Wednesday 12 October 2011

First post, and first animations

This is my first post so first of all welcome. I am currently learning animation in Maya so that I can eventually produce animations of awesome and hopefully get a job, preferably in the video games industry.

Today I managed to complete these two animations and posted them on Youtube. I didn't make the models myself they were provided by the uni's Blackboard. They're pretty simple, but it's important to learn and refine the basics. The first one is supposed to be a light ball and a heavy ball but I really don't like how it turned out at all. I think the lighter ball might be too floaty. The second one is a waving hand, which I think turned out a bit jerky. Any criticism is appreciated.

This is an animation I made in my first year at uni. I really hate the lighting on this but it was my first proper full length animation.

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