Thursday 8 December 2011

Creating the snake

I decided to do things in a slightly different order and actually I went and completely finished modelling, rigging and texturing the snake. I have also slightly changed the ending of my animation. What will happen is that the snake will lunge at the mongoose and eat the box it jumped out of.

The snake was a lot easier to do than the mongoose, perhaps because it was a much more simpler character. I didn't have to paint the skin weights nearly as much and the UVs for texturing the snake were easier to sort out. I  decided not to create a bump map for the snake's scales. However if I have time left after finishing the blend shapes and the animating, I may add a bump map to improve the snake's look.

Next time I should move back on to finishing the BlendShapes for the mongoose and explain how I did them. Also, I am currently in the process of re-texturing the mongoose, as the snake turned out much better and there's a bit of a quality difference so that's why I haven't shown the mongoose and it's texture this time.

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